The ABI QStar Elite is a high-performance, hybrid quadrupole Time-of-Flight (TOF) mass spectrometer typically used with electrospray with greater sensitivity and intelligent dependent scan functions. The system is used for protein or peptide characterisation using nano liquid chromatography and data dependent tandem mass spectrometry. The system is currently used for iTRAQ quantification of differentially expressed proteins and these normally combine online multi-dimensional liquid chromatography. Proteomics LC/MS is now a mature method of analysis and it usually is coupled with electrospray ionisation (ESI).
Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is usually applied with these methods to facilitate structural characterisation of many types of compounds (including synthetic polymers) as well as to tailor a quantitative method that detects very low levels of a target analyte in highly complex mixtures.
The BMSF is well equipped for the analysis of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and other biopolymers. The BMSF is particularly experienced in protein identification using modern proteomic methods. In addition, staff at the BMSF practice a wide range of quantitative proteomic analysis using isotopic labelling strategies to measure relative protein expression levels between samples and controls.