Zeiss LSM 880

Zeiss LSM 880


The Zeiss LSM 880 is an inverted laser scanning confocal microscope equipped with high quantum efficiency GaAsP detector and 2 multialkali PMTs, which can be used as single point detectors or combined for 34 channel spectral imaging. In addition, the Airyscan module can deliver images with 1.7 x improved resolution (140nm axially, 400 nm laterally) and 4-8 x greater signal-to-noise ratio, at the highest speed of any linear scanning confocal system. BiG.2 Type A (2x GaAsP detectors) non-descanned detectors for the multi-photon laser can be used for imaging thick specimens, with deeper penetration and decreased phototoxicity compared to single photon lasers. The Picoquant system utilises the multi-photon laser to perform Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM), Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET). The Zeiss 880 is also equipped with polarisers for anisotropy measurements. 
Microscope body:
Motorised Stage:
Temp Control:
Full Enclosure
Stage Insert
Zen 2.1


Funded by Cancer Institute NSW

Common Applications


Confocal: Confocal imaging is a fluorescence microscopy technique that optically sections the specimens preventing out of light from reaching the detector. This yields clear high contrast images, and together with the ability to acquire images sequentially at multiple positions the entire sample can be reconstructed in 3D.
Spectral Unmixing: Conventionally, imaging multiple fluorophores i the same sample requires careful selection to ensure crosstalk and/or bleedthrough do not lead to confusion between the signals. This can greatly restrict the number of probes available to you. Spectral unmixing is a technique that uses information about the spectral profile of each fluorophore to mathematically separate the overlapping signals.
Super Resolution (Airyscan): The Airyscan detector consists of a hexagonal array of 32 GaAsP/PMT detector elements that have the light collection efficiency of a 1.25 AU pinhole (up to 50% more light collected than with a 1 AU pinhole). Each detector element functions similarly to a single, small (0.2 AU) pinhole, which enables the generation of higher (1.7 x) resolution images with improved signal-to-noise ratio than a standard confocal. The Fast mode can be used to increase acquisition speed to up to 13 fps by elongating the excitation beam to acquire 4 lines of image at once, without sacrificing resolution or signal-to-noise
FLIM Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy is not only observing where fluorescence light is emitted within the sample, but also measuring the characteristic time delay between excitation and the detection of the emitted light. Changes in the time it takes for a fluorophore to emit light after excitation (Fluorescence Lifetime) can be indicative of molecular interactions, and changing environmental conditions
Multi-photon Multiphoton excitation is the use of lower energy wavelengths to excite a fluorophore by requiring multiple photons to coincide to provide the required excitation energy. This yields two main advantages. Firstly the higher density of photons at the focal point effectively restricts excitation to this region, preventing bleaching of regions out of the focal plane. Secondly, the longer wavelengths scatter less through tissue improving excitation penetration depths.


Objective Lenses

10x 0.45 Plan-Apochromat Air 2mm  
20x 0.8 Plan-Apochromat Air 0.55mm  
32x 0.85 C-Achroplan Water 1.1mm VIS-IR
40x 1.3 Plan-Apochromat Oil 0.21mm DIC
40x 1.1 C-Apochromat Water 0.62mm UV-VIS-IR DIC
63x 1.4 Plan-Apochromat Oil .19mm DIC


Light Sources

Diode 405 405nm
Argon ion 458nm, 488nm, 514nm
DPSS 561 561nm
HeNe 594 594nm
HeBe 633 633nm
Mai Tai Insight DeepSee

Tunnable: 680 - 1300nm

Pulse width <120fs

Repetition rate 80 MHz




Widefield (Eyepiece Only)

FSet 38 BP 450 - 490 LP 495 BP 500 - 550
FSet 43 BP 533 - 558 LP 570 BP 570 - 640
FSet 49 365 LP 395 BP 420 - 470
Airy Scan
BP 420-475 + BP 500 - 545
BP 500-545 + LP 575
BP 575-615 + LP 655
BP 420-480 + BP 495-620
BP 465-505 + LP 525
BP 420-480 + LP 600 
Internal Detectors
Tunnable wevelength selection for all 3 fluorescence/reflective detectors in the range of 400nm - 750nm

BiG (Non-descanned GaAsP detectors)

SP485 / 500-550


*Filter holder also contains a position for one of two shortpass IR blocking filters. either SP690 or SP 760


Spectral detector 32 channels GaAsP PMT plus 2 channels Multi-Alkali PMT

BiG.2 Type A detector module consisting of 2x GaAsP detectors 

Airyscan GaAsP array

Contact People

Dr Renee Whan
A. Prof Renee M Whan

Position: Director of Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre

+61 (2) 9065 1823
+61 409 811 073
Dr Alex Macmillan
Dr Alex Macmillan

Position: Head of Katharina Gaus Light Microscopy Facility

+61 (2) 9065 1672
+61 499 090 805