Stats Central - Online Short Course: Intro to Python for Data Science, Sept 1 & 2


Course Overview

Python is a widely used programming language to manipulate, analyze, and visualize data. It is one of the most popular languages for Data Science, especially when dealing with complex, uncurated or text datasets.

This course assumes that you have never used Python before, but you have some basic programming knowledge. You will learn how to obtain and install Python, which is open-source software, and Jupyter Notebook, which is an interactive computational environment, in which you can combine code execution, rich text, mathematics, plots and rich media.

This two half-days introduction to Python will cover some useful features of Python for data science. It will discuss various online resources available to further develop your data science skills using Python.

Course Outline

This course will cover topics including:

• Python overview

• Jupyter Notebook

• Basic Python programming

• Typical process of data science

• Techniques to manipulate and analyze datasets

• Result visualization

• Selected statistical analysis and/or machine learning examples

Presenter and Expertise: A/Professor Raymond Wong (Stats Central and UNSW School of Computer Science and Engineering)

Course Requirements: You will need to use a computer during the course.


Date: Tuesday 1st to Wednesday 2nd September 2020 (two morning sessions)

Duration: 10.00am - 1.00pm each day

Location: Online (access to be advised)

You will receive a certificate of completion for the course.