Welcome to the Electron Microscope Unit at the University of New South Wales. We are a central research infrastructure unit that provides microscopy and analysis facilities to the research community of the University.
Take a virtual tour of the EMU - click here.
If you are new to our Unit and would like to use our facilities, please go to the Access page to find out How To Register. Academic supervisors can find advice Here.
If you want to know a little about our microscopes, brief descriptions of the capabilities are found in our Instrument page. Alternatively, information on the areas of expertise of the Unit’s staff are found on the Staff page.
The Electron Microscope Unit also provides microscopy for a range of external organisations. If you are a researcher at another university or research institute and would like to use our facilities, please contact the EM Unit's Director to discuss this possibility.
If you wish to use our Unit for contract or consulting work, please contact Industry Applications Scientist, Dr Simon Hager, to discuss how we may help you or visit our Industry page.
The Unit is a founding member of Microscopy Australia (formerly AMMRF).
This facility acts as the peak body for nanostructural analysis in Australia and combines the resources of over $70M of instrumentation and 100 staff across 6 national nodes.