Electron Microscope Unit Seminar on 6th February

Dear all,

Thermo Scientific on of the leading manufacturers of electron micropscopes will be presenting their latest technology to UNSW. Two of Thermo's leading TEM experts Christian Maunders and Eric Van Cappellen, visiting from Europe, will be presenting.

11:00 Welcome
11:05 Our DNA. A brief history of Transmission Electron Microscopy
11:30 An overview of the entire (S)TEM application space  
12:30 Lunch 
13:00 Improving imaging, better resolution and better contrast with less electrons 
15:00 Break 
15:15 Expanding Spectroscopy and Dynamics 
16:15 Themis Z 
16:55 Closing Remarks

A more detailed adgenda is available here: https://unsw-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/z3521039_ad_unsw_edu_au/Ee-KSGBCqyFNnCBQjVWHXaUB1yJd1EQ92ow1NSNRcPIumA?e=khVtX3

Space is limited so make sure you RSVP to avoid disappointment

Best wishes,


Dr Richard F Webster

Research Associate, Electron Microscope Unit, Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre

Rm B65, Chemical Sciences Building

UNSW Sydney


T: +61 (0)2 9385 6709

M: +61 (0)431 534 332

E: r.webster@unsw.edu.au

W: www.analytical.unsw.edu.au/facilities/emu