New User Checklist

This page outlines the approvals and training required to gain independent access to BRIL facilities.

  • Complete a BRIL Project Registration Form (only 1 form per project is required)

  • Complete an Animal Facility Induction - UNSW or external users contact Animal Services, CCI contact the area coordinator

  • Complete the relevant WHS training (listed in the table below)

  • Email BRIL staff with your mobile number, zID and photo for ACLS user profile

Prerequisite training

All training is available online with enrolment through the 'Learning and Development' section of the myUNSW Staff Profile. The following list is additional to the courses which are mandatory for all UNSW staff. See UNSW WHS Training for more information.

Course Title / Code

Requirement for

Biological Safety Course / HSEBSC


Lab Safety Awareness / HSELSO


Animal Care and Ethics Course / ACECON

Working with live animals

Gene Tech Regulation at UNSW / HSEGTC

Working with GMOs

Radiation Level 1 / HSERD1

Working with ionising radiation (irradiation or CT imaging)

Hazardous Substances / HSEHSO

Working with hazardous or unknown substances

RDMoT for Researchers / RDM001

(Research Data Management)

Recommended for all researchers



After-hours work

UNSW considers after hours work to be 6pm-8am Mon-Fri, weekends, public holidays and UNSW holidays. To access BRIL facilities after hours please read the BRIL After Hours Requirements, then complete the BRIL After-Hours Approval Form.

Working with cytotoxic or unknown substances

If using cytotoxic or unknown substances provide SWP, RMF and MSDS to cover handling, clean-up and dealing with spills inside BRIL facilities.