The BMSF is a secure facility where registered users gain access via their UNSW staff or student card. The upper campus location is within the Wallace Wurth Building, which is also secure. We recommend visitors inform the BMSF prior to their arrival to avoid access problems.
For external users, visitor’s cards are available for the duration of your visit. Check with the staff at BMSF reception if you require a card.
Parking is available within UNSW and can be accessed via Gate 11, Botany St for upper campus and via Gate 14, Barker St or Gate 2, High St for lower campus (see map). A parking permit must be displayed in the windscreen of the vehicle and time limits indicated on signs must be adhered to or penalties will apply. For more information on parking regulations and ticketing information please see the UNSW Estate Management website.
Some universities in the Sydney region provide UNSW parking permits to their staff. You need to enquire with your university about this. These permits need to be displayed in your car while it is parked at UNSW.