The JEOL JXA-8500F is a powerful microanalytical instrument that provides area-specific quantitative elemental results down to the sub-micron level. The electron probe microanalyser (EPMA) is fitted with four wavelength dispersive spectrometers (WDS) and a JEOL silicon drift detector energy dispersive spectrometer (SDD-EDS), giving this instrument the capability to detect and measure the concentration of most elements in the periodic table Z=4), with detection limits often better than <0.05%. In addition to its conventional microprobe capabilities, the instrument’s Schottky field-emission gun allows non-conventional low-kV work to be undertaken while maintaining a stable, highly-focused, high current (up to >100nA) beam.
Quantitative analysis may be carried out on the bulk matrix of micro-sampled materials as well as on phases, inclusions, grain boundaries or precipitates in a matrix. Examples of materials analysed using the JXA-8500F include geological specimens, fuel cells, implantable bionics, archaeological artefacts, metals/alloys and glasses.
Sample holders are available that accommodate 26mm (1") diameter resin-mounted specimens and petrographic thin sections/wafers. Samples need to be dry, flat, conductive and vacuum-stable for EPMA analysis. Usually, small pieces of an item are embedded in resin or mounted on a glass slide, polished to a mirror finish and then coated with a layer of carbon for conductivity.
This instrument was funded through the NCRIS program and is available to researchers nationwide via the AMMRF network ( For more information about instrument capabilities, access, and for specimen preparation advice, please contact Karen Privat.