- Imaging of beam-sensitive materials at low accelerating voltage (60 or 80 kV).
- TEM Imaging at low dose with the K3 direct electron detector.
- Energy-filtered TEM imaging using the Gatan Continuum GIF.
- “Atomic Resolution” EDX mapping with the dual JEOL 158 mm2 EDX detectors.
- Elemental composition, Bonding, and oxidation state using the EELS Gatan Continuum Spectrometer with K3 detect electron detector.
- Electric and magnetic field imaging using the segmented STEM detector and Lorentz TEM and STEM modes.
- In-situ TEM and STEM using the Hummingbird heating and biasing, gas cell and liquid cell holders.
Compatible Holders:
- JEOL low background double tilt holders
- JEOL High Tilt Holders (±70°)
- JEOL Liquid Nitrogen Cooling Holder
- Hummingbird 9 contact Heating and Biasing
- Hummingbird Liquid Flow cell
- Hummingbird Gas heating holder
- Protochips Atmosphere in-situ holder
- Simple Origin cryo-transfer holder
- Fischione Gas/Vacuum transfer holder