Charlie Kong majored in Semiconductor Materials for his BE degree in Shanghai University. He switched to Intermetallic materials for his PhD in UNSW later. He has built up his academic career as an electron microscopist in materials science. He has been a Senior Research Officer on advanced FIB applications since 2006. He is also a flagship FIB application engineer in Microscopy Australia, managing the usage of two Ga-based FIB-SEM and a Xe-based plasma FIB-SEM. His multidisciplinary research interests in FIB applications are across from nanofabrication to characterization, including prototyping of micro-devices, photovoltaic engineering, thin films, severe deformation of materials, additive manufacturing, early life on earth and biomaterials etc. He has published more than 100 co-authored papers on FIB related applications.
Dr Charlie Kong

Category: General/Technical Staff
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Book Chapters
2019, 'Recent development in focused ion beam nanofabrication', in Comprehensive Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, pp. 327 - 356,
, Conference Papers
2019, 'Advanced Characterisation of Black Silicon Surface Topography with 3D PFIB-SEM', in Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp. 825 - 828,
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2013, 'Surface segregation and chromium deposition and poisoning on La 0.6 Sr0.4 Co0.2 Fe0.8 O 3-δ cathodes of solid oxide fuel cells', in ECS Transactions, pp. 599 - 604,
, 2013, 'Metal dusting of sputtered NiCr nanocrytalline coating in CO-H2 -H2 O gas', in Annual Conference of the Australasian Corrosion Association 2013: Corrosion and Prevention 2013, pp. 249 - 257
, 2013, 'METAL DUSTING OF SPUTTERED NiCr NANOCRYTALLINE COATING IN CO-H2-H2O GAS', in Proceedings of Corrosion & Prevention 2013, Australasian Corrosion Association, Brisbane, pp. 1 - 9, presented at Corrosion & Prevention 2013, Brisbane, 10 November 2013 - 13 November 2013
, 2012, 'Fracture behaviours of TiN and TiN/Ti multilayer coatings on Ti substrate during nanoindentation', in TMS Annual Meeting, Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Orlando, FL, pp. 963 - 970, presented at 141st Annual Meeting and Exhibition, TMS 2012, Orlando, FL, 11 March 2012 - 15 March 2012,,descCd-tableOfContents.html
, 2011, 'Orientational dependence of multiferroic behaviors of La and Mn modified BiFeO3 thin films', in 2011 International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics and 2011 International Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials, ISAF/PFM 2011, IEEE, Vancouver, BC, pp. Article number 6014130, presented at 2011 International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics and 2011 International Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials, ISAF/PFM 2011, Vancouver, BC, 24 July 2011 - 27 July 2011,
, 2009, 'Intermetallics distribution in two and three dimensions in high pressure die cast AZ91 alloy', in Magnesium Technology, presented at Magnesium Technology
, 2002, 'Novel Equations to establish influence of char structure on reactivity during PCI in a blast furnace', in 61st Ironmaking Conference and 85th Steelmaking Conference, Nashville, USA, pp. 277 - 292, presented at 61st Ironmaking Conference, Nashville, USA, 10 March 2002 - 13 March 2002
, 2001, 'Investigation of Combustion behaviour of a PCI Coal and Unburnt Char Carryover in a US Steel Blast Furnace', in 60th Ironmaking Conference, IRON & STEEL SOCIETY, Warrendale, PA, United states of America, pp. 451 - 458, presented at 60th Ironmaking Conference, Warrendale, PA, United states of America, 25 March 2001 - 28 March 2001,
, 2000, 'Determination of Proportions of Coal Char and Coke Fines in the Top Off Gas Dust Samples from a Blast Furnace,', in 61st Ironmaking Conference and 85th Steelmaking Conference, 59th Ironmaking Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, presented at 59th Ironmaking Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 26 March 2000 - 29 March 2000
, 1998, 'Vacancy-solute interactions in FeAl-based alloys', in Interstitial and Substitutional Effects in Intermetallics, Illinois, presented at Interstitial and Substitutional Effects in Intermetallics, Illinois, 11 October 1998 - 15 October 1998
, 1996, 'The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Properties of FeAl-Cr Alloys', in Materials Research Society Symposium 1996, On High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys VII, Boston, Massachusetts, pp. 325 - 330, presented at Materials Research Society Symposium 1996, On High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys VII, Boston, Massachusetts
, 1994, 'THE EFFECT OF TERNARY ADDITIONS ON THE VACANCY HARDENING AND DEFECT STRUCTURE OF FEAL', in Schneibel JH; Crimp MA (ed.), PROCESSING, PROPERTIES, AND APPLICATIONS OF IRON ALUMINIDES, MINERALS, METALS & MATERIALS SOC, CA, SAN FRANCISCO, pp. 231 - 239, presented at Symposium on Processing, Properties, and Applications of Iron Aluminides, at the Annual Meeting of the Minerals-Metals-and-Materials-Society, CA, SAN FRANCISCO, 27 February 1994 - 03 March 1994,
, Journal articles
2024, 'Development of Low Anisotropic Commercially Pure Titanium Foils by Asymmetric Rolling and Annealing', Advanced Engineering Materials,
, 2024, 'Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AA1050/AA6061 Laminated Composites Fabricated through Three-Cycle Accumulative Roll Bonding and Subsequent Cryorolling', Materials, 17,
, 2024, 'Achieving High Strength and Tensile Ductility in Pure Nickel by Cryorolling with Subsequent Low-Temperature Short-Time Annealing', Engineering,
, 2024, 'The Influence of Phase Formation on Irradiation Tolerance in a Nanocrystalline TiZrNbHfTa Refractory High-Entropy Alloy', Advanced Engineering Materials, 26,
, 2024, 'Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Al/Mg–Li/Al laminate metallic composites via hot roll bonding and subsequent cryorolling', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 891,
, 2024, 'Impact of rolling temperature on the deformation structure and mechanical performance of a CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 971,
, 2023, 'Heat treatment response of additively manufactured 17-4PH stainless steel', Materials Characterization, 197,
, 2023, 'Tensile properties and a modified s-Johnson-Cook model for constitutive relationship of AA7075 sheets at cryogenic temperatures', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 942,
, 2023, 'Effect of Room-Temperature Pre-rolling and Pre-cryorolling on Natural Aging and Bake Hardening Response of an Al–Mg–Si Alloy', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54, pp. 3709 - 3732,
, 2023, 'Effect of Cryorolling After Pre-aging on Tensile Properties and Microstructures of AA7075 Plates', JOM, 75, pp. 4832 - 4844,
, 2023, 'Microstructure and mechanical properties of AA1050/AA6061 multilayer composites via accumulative roll bonding and cryorolling and subsequent aging', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 874,
, 2023, 'Lightweight metal laminated plates produced via (hot, cold and cryogenic) roll bonding: A review', Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), 33, pp. 337 - 356,
, 2023, 'Enhanced Mechanical Properties and Thermal Stability of Accumulative Roll-Bonded Cu/Nb Multilayer Composites via Cryorolling', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54, pp. 16 - 22,
, 2023, 'Asymmetric Cryorolling and Subsequent Low-Temperature Annealing to Improve Mechanical Properties of TA2 Ti Sheets', JOM, 75, pp. 2865 - 2876,
, 2023, 'Low-temperature superplasticity of cryorolled Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy sheets', Tungsten, 5, pp. 522 - 530,
, 2023, 'Tribological Performance and In Situ-Generated Oxidative Layer of Cobalt-Based Alloy From 25 °C to 800 °C', Journal of Tribology, 145,
, 2023, 'Deformation mechanism and mechanical properties of a CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy via room-temperature rolling, cryorolling, and asymmetric cryorolling', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 960,
, 2023, 'Investigation on Various Ceramic Nanoparticles Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites via Accumulative Roll Bonding and Cryorolling', Advanced Engineering Materials, 25,
, 2023, 'TEM-MD characterization of KDP deformation mechanisms under nanoindentation', Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43, pp. 3844 - 3848,
, 2023, 'Enhanced mechanical properties of aluminum matrix composites reinforced with high-entropy alloy particles via asymmetric cryorolling', Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), 33, pp. 1988 - 2000,
, 2023, 'Phase reversion-induced heterogeneous structure in a ferrous medium-entropy alloy via cryorolling and annealing', Scripta Materialia, 222,
, 2023, 'A novel way to fabricate high elastic modulus and high strength of TiC reinforced aluminum matrix composite', Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 38, pp. 1785 - 1797,
, 2023, 'Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained AA2024 sheets joined by underwater friction stir welding', Materials Characterization, 198,
, 2023, 'Liquid-Metal Solvents for Designing Hierarchical Nanoporous Metals at Low Temperatures', ACS Nano, 17, pp. 17070 - 17081,
, 2023, 'Enhanced strength-ductility synergy in heterostructured copper/brass laminates via introducing cryorolling', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 878,
, 2023, 'Edge-crack free and high mechanical properties of AA7075 sheets by using cryorolling and subsequent aging', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 931,
, 2023, 'Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Evolution of Cryorolled AlCoCrFeNi-Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites Tensile Tested at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54, pp. 2292 - 2310,
, 2023, 'Abnormal Grain Refinement and Synergistic Enhancement of Strength and Plasticity of High-Purity Nickel via Cycle Skin-Pass Rolling Deformation', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54, pp. 2525 - 2531,
, 2023, 'Microstructure and texture evolution of pure nickel during cryorolling and subsequent annealing', Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 24, pp. 6739 - 6752,
, 2023, 'Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of AA7075 sheets via cryorolling and ageing', Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 33, pp. 3503 - 3524,
, 2023, 'Effect of Pre-aging on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cryorolled AA2024 Sheets', JOM, 75, pp. 2935 - 2948,
, 2023, 'Plasticity Anisotropy and Texture of AA1060 Sheets Through a Combination of Accumulative Roll-Bonding and Cryorolling', JOM, 75, pp. 3015 - 3024,
, 2022, 'Microstructures and mechanical properties of a CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy obtained by 223 K cryorolling and subsequent annealing', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 921,
, 2022, 'AA1050 metal matrix composites reinforced by high-entropy alloy particles via stir casting and subsequent rolling', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 893,
, 2022, 'High Strength and Thermal Stability of Multilayered Cu/Al Composites Fabricated Through Accumulative Roll Bonding and Cryorolling', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 53, pp. 1176 - 1187,
, 2022, 'Mechanical Properties of Rolled Copper Foils in Cryogenic and Room-Temperature Environments', Advanced Engineering Materials, 24,
, 2022, 'Fabrication of particle-reinforced aluminum alloy composite: role of casting and rolling', Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 37, pp. 90 - 98,
, 2022, 'Effect of retrogression treatment with different heating rates on microstructure, strength and corrosion behaviors of 7050 alloy', Materials Characterization, 186,
, 2022, 'Low-Temperature Short-Time Annealing Induced High Strength and Ductility in a Cryorolled Pure Nickel', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 53, pp. 2338 - 2345,
, 2022, 'Mechanical Properties and Strengthening Mechanism of Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced by High-entropy Alloy Particles', Metals and Materials International, 28, pp. 2811 - 2821,
, 2022, 'Effect of cryorolling on the microstructure and high-temperature mechanical properties of AA5083 sheets', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 843,
, 2022, 'Large volume tomography using plasma FIB-SEM: A comprehensive case study on black silicon', Ultramicroscopy, 233,
, 2022, 'Mechanical property enhancement and microstructure evolution of an Al-Cu-Li alloy via rolling at different temperatures', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 900,
, 2022, 'Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V alloy sheets via room-temperature rolling and cryorolling', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 834,
, 2022, 'Twinning susceptibility of CrCoNi medium entropy alloy to cryogenic temperature during asymmetric rolling', Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 20, pp. 2638 - 2649,
, 2022, 'Insight into the bonding mechanism in Cu/Al/Cu clad sheets via introduction of thin SUS304 interlayer', Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 21, pp. 4619 - 4635,
, 2022, 'High strength and toughness of Ti–6Al–4V sheets via cryorolling and short-period annealing', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 854,
, 2022, 'Effects of cryorolling, room temperature rolling and aging treatment on mechanical and corrosion properties of 7050 aluminum alloy', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 853,
, 2022, 'Crack-free Cu9Ni6Sn strips via twin-roll casting and subsequent asymmetric cryorolling', Materialia, 21,
, 2022, 'Microstructure and mechanical properties of ARB-processed AA1050/AA5052 multilayer laminate sheets during cryorolling', Materials Letters, 307,
, 2022, 'Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of SLM-printed Ti–6Al–4V alloy: Effect of build orientation', Journal of Materials Research,
, 2022, 'Enhanced Mechanical Properties of AA5083 Matrix Composite via Introducing Al0.5 CoCrFeNi Particles and Cryorolling', Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 35, pp. 879 - 889,
, 2022, 'Tribological behavior of high-entropy alloy particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites and their key impacting factors', Tribology International, 175,
, 2022, 'An Ultrafast and Stable High-Entropy Metallic Glass Electrode for Alkaline Hydrogen Evolution Reaction', ACS Materials Letters, 4, pp. 1389 - 1396,
, 2022, 'Preparation of high-mechanical-property medium-entropy CrCoNi alloy by asymmetric cryorolling', Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), 32, pp. 1559 - 1574,
, 2022, 'Mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of an Al–Cu–Li alloy via cross cryorolling', International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 5, pp. 431 - 439,
, 2021, 'Development of High Performance of Al Alloys via Cryo-Forming: A Review', Advanced Engineering Materials, 23,
, 2021, 'Modulating Nitric Oxide-Generating Activity of Zinc Oxide by Morphology Control and Surface Modification', Materials Science and Engineering: C, pp. 112428 - 112428,
, 2021, 'Mechanical properties and thermal stability of gradient structured Zr via cyclic skin-pass cryorolling', Materials Letters, 302,
, 2021, 'Fabrication of ultrafine-grained AA1060 sheets via accumulative roll bonding with subsequent cryorolling', Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), 31, pp. 3370 - 3379,
, 2021, 'Effects of a stainless steel interlayer on the interfacial microstructure and bonding strength of Cu/Al clad sheets prepared via the powder-in-tube method', Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 15, pp. 3514 - 3524,
, 2021, 'Grain growth mechanism of lamellar-structure high-purity nickel via cold rolling and cryorolling during annealing', Materials, 14,
, 2021, 'Effect of silicon and partitioning temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of high-carbon steel in a quenching and partitioning heat treatment', Journal of Materials Science, 56, pp. 15423 - 15440,
, 2021, 'Mechanical properties of rolled and aged AA6061 sheets at room-temperature and cryogenic environments', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 860,
, 2021, 'Mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of a CrCoNi medium entropy alloy subjected to asymmetric cryorolling and subsequent annealing', Materials Today Communications, 26,
, 2021, 'Mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of an Al-Cu-Li alloy subjected to rolling and aging', Journal of Central South University, 28, pp. 3800 - 3817,
, 2021, 'Effect of Cr2 O3 addition on mechanical and tribological properties of atmospheric plasma-sprayed NiAl-Bi2 O3 composite coatings', Surface and Coatings Technology, 427,
, 2021, '3D electron backscatter diffraction characterization of fine α titanium microstructures: collection, reconstruction, and analysis methods', Ultramicroscopy, 230, pp. 113394,
, 2021, 'Insight of high-entropy alloy particles-reinforced 2219 Al matrix composites via the ultrasonic casting technology', Materials Characterization, 182,
, 2021, 'A Self-Supported High-Entropy Metallic Glass with a Nanosponge Architecture for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution under Alkaline and Acidic Conditions', Advanced Functional Materials, 31,
, 2021, 'Mechanistic Evaluation of Single-Crystalline Aluminum Nitride Nanowire Synthesis from Plastic Waste', ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 9, pp. 2291 - 2299,
, 2021, 'Rotary friction welding of additively manufactured 17-4PH stainless steel', Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 64, pp. 1517 - 1528,
, 2021, 'Influence of asymmetric cryorolling and annealing treatment on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of CrCoNi medium entropy alloy', Suxing Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Plasticity Engineering, 28, pp. 35 - 43,
, 2021, 'Effect of Microstructural Features on Magnetic Properties of High-Carbon Steel', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 52, pp. 5107 - 5122,
, 2021, 'Effect of rolling and aging on cryogenic mechanical properties of AA6061', Suxing Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Plasticity Engineering, 28, pp. 76 - 83,
, 2021, 'Effect of rolling temperature and subsequence ageing on the mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of an al-cu-li alloy', Metals, 11,
, 2021, 'Research on thickness size effect of asymmetric rolled and annealed copper foils', Suxing Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Plasticity Engineering, 28, pp. 126 - 133,
, 2020, 'Microstructure, post thermal treatment response, and tribological properties of 3D printed 17-4 PH stainless steel', Wear, 456-457,
, 2020, 'Microstructure, Tribological Properties and Corrosion Behaviour of Additively Manufactured 17-4PH Stainless Steel: Effects of Scanning Pattern, Build Orientation, and Single vs. Double scan', Materials Today Communications, 25,
, 2020, 'Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Al−3.6Cu−1Li alloy via cryorolling and aging', Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), 30, pp. 2904 - 2914,
, 2020, 'Quantitative petrographic differentiation of detrital vs diagenetic clay minerals in marine sedimentary sequences: Implications for the rise of biotic soils', Precambrian Research, 350,
, 2020, '3D electron backscatter diffraction study of α lath morphology in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V', Ultramicroscopy, 218, pp. 113073,
, 2020, 'Sandwich-Like Cu/Al/Cu Composites Fabricated by Cryorolling', Advanced Engineering Materials, 22,
, 2020, 'Fabrication and Characterization of High-Bonding-Strength Al/Ti/Al-Laminated Composites via Cryorolling', Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 33, pp. 871 - 880,
, 2020, 'Recent development of superplasticity in aluminum alloys: A review', Metals, 10,
, 2020, 'Fabrication of gradient-structure CuNiBe alloy bars by laser remelting and water-cooling', Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 35, pp. 337 - 345,
, 2020, 'Corrosion behaviour of Ni-Cr alloys in mixed oxidising gases at 650 °C', Corrosion Science, 174,
, 2020, '3D characterisation using plasma FIB-SEM: A large-area tomography technique for complex surfaces like black silicon', Ultramicroscopy, 218,
, 2020, 'Formation of micro-spherulitic barite in association with organic matter within sulfidized stromatolites of the 3.48 billion-year-old Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton', Geobiology, 18, pp. 415 - 425,
, 2020, 'Degradation of plated silicon solar module due to copper diffusion: The role of capping layer formation and contact adhesion', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 215, pp. 110638,
, 2020, 'Effect of Cyclic Reaction on Corrosion Behavior of Chromium-Containing Alloys in CO2 Gas at 650 °C', Oxidation of Metals, 93, pp. 131 - 157,
, 2020, 'Study of texture analysis on asymmetric cryorolled and annealed cocrni medium entropy alloy', Crystals, 10, pp. 1 - 12,
, 2020, 'Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Ti Fabricated by Cryorolling and Subsequent Annealing', Advanced Engineering Materials, 22,
, 2020, 'Microstructure, Element Distribution, and Mechanical Property of Cu9Ni6Sn Alloys by Conventional Casting and Twin-Roll Casting', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 51, pp. 1469 - 1474,
, 2019, 'Determination of residual stress on TIG-treated surface via nanoindentation technique in Co-Cr-Mo-C alloy', Surface and Coatings Technology, 380,
, 2019, 'High thermal stability and excellent mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained high-purity copper sheets subjected to asymmetric cryorolling', Materials Characterization, 153, pp. 34 - 45,
, 2019, 'Microstructural study and residual stress measurement of a hot rolling work roll material during isothermal oxidation', International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102, pp. 2107 - 2118,
, 2019, 'Characterizing deformation behaviour of an oxidized high speed steel: Effects of nanoindentation depth, friction and oxide scale porosity', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 155, pp. 267 - 285,
, 2019, 'Microstructure and mechanical properties of large-volume gradient-structure aluminium sheets fabricated by cyclic skin-pass rolling', Philosophical Magazine, 99, pp. 2265 - 2284,
, 2019, 'Antibacterial Effect of Au Implantation in Ductile Nanocomposite Multilayer (TiAlSiY)N/CrN Coatings', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, pp. 48540 - 48550,
, 2019, 'Thermo-delamination of metallised composite plastic: An innovative approach to generate Aluminium from packaging plastic waste', Journal of Cleaner Production, 211, pp. 321 - 329,
, 2019, 'On the Formation of Nanoscale Intergranular Intermetallic Compound Films in a Cu-5 at. pct Zr Alloy', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 50, pp. 4569 - 4581,
, 2019, 'Oxidation behavior of Ni-Al coating with and without a Ni-Re diffusion barrier in dry CO 2 gas at 650 ºC', Corrosion Science, 149, pp. 236 - 243,
, 2018, 'Largely Enhanced Mobility in Trilayered LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 /LaAlO3 Heterostructures', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10, pp. 20950 - 20958,
, 2018, 'The effect of friction stir processing (FSP) on the microstructure, nanomechanical and corrosion properties of low carbon CoCr28 Mo5 alloy', Surface and Coatings Technology, 354, pp. 390 - 404,
, 2018, 'Improvement in Strength and Ductility of Asymmetric-Cryorolled Copper Sheets Under Low-Temperature Annealing', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 49, pp. 4398 - 4403,
, 2018, 'Remarkably preserved tephra from the 3430 Ma Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia: Implications for the interpretation of Precambrian microfossils', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 487, pp. 33 - 43,
, 2018, 'Generation of amorphous carbon and crystallographic texture during low-temperature subseismic slip in calcite fault gouge', Geology, 46, pp. 163 - 166,
, 2018, 'Thickness Dependence of Magnetic Behavior of LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 Heterostructures', Advanced Materials Interfaces, 5,
, 2018, 'High temperature stabilization of a nanostructured Cu-Y2 O3 composite through microalloying with Ti', Materials Science and Engineering A, 712, pp. 80 - 87,
, 2018, 'Nanoporous Al sandwich foils using size effect of Al layer thickness during Cu/Al/Cu laminate rolling', Philosophical Magazine, 98, pp. 1537 - 1549,
, 2018, 'Mechanical properties and microstructure of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy subjected to cold rolling, asymmetric rolling and asymmetric cryorolling', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 710, pp. 10 - 16,
, 2018, 'Effect of extrusion temperature on microstructure and properties of an ultrafine-grained Cu matrix nanocomposite fabricated by powder compact extrusion', Journal of Materials Science, 53, pp. 5389 - 5401,
, 2018, 'Understanding structural evolution of nanostructured Cu-Al2 O3 composite powders during thermomechanical processing', Materialia, 4, pp. 268 - 275,
, 2018, 'Stress-relaxation heat treatment in FeSiBNb amorphous alloy: Thermal, microstructure, nanomechanical and magnetic texture measurements', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 456, pp. 62 - 70,
, 2018, 'Erratum to: Chemical nature of alkaline polyphosphate boundary film at heated rubbing surfaces (Scientific Reports, (2016), 6, 1, (26008), 10.1038/srep26008)', Scientific Reports, 8,
, 2017, 'Theoretical and experimental investigation of thermal and oxidation behaviours of a high speed steel work roll during hot rolling', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 131-132, pp. 811 - 826,
, 2017, 'Critical testing of potential cellular structures within microtubes in 145 Ma volcanic glass from the Argo Abyssal Plain', Chemical Geology, 466, pp. 575 - 587,
, 2017, 'Effects of SiC Nanoparticle Content on the Microstructure and Tensile Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained AA6063-SiCnp Nanocomposites Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy', Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 33, pp. 1023 - 1030,
, 2017, 'Enhanced materials performance of Al/Ti/Al laminate sheets subjected to cryogenic roll bonding', Journal of Materials Research, 32, pp. 3761 - 3768,
, 2017, 'Sustainable fabrication of protective nanoscale TiN thin film on a metal substrate by using automotive waste plastics', ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 5, pp. 1549 - 1556,
, 2017, 'Texture balancing in a fcc/bcc multilayered composite produced by accumulative roll bonding', Acta Materialia, 123, pp. 11 - 23,
, 2017, 'Suppressing Al2 O3 nanoparticle coarsening and Cu nanograin growth of milled nanostructured Cu-5vol.%Al2 O3 composite powder particles by doping with Ti', Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 33, pp. 1323 - 1328,
, 2017, 'An insight into the strain rate dependence of tensile ductility of an ultrafine grained Cu matrix nanocomposite', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 688, pp. 164 - 168,
, 2016, 'Subtle Interplay between Localized Magnetic Moments and Itinerant Electrons in LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 Heterostructures', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8, pp. 13630 - 13636,
, 2016, 'Annealing effect on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/Ti/Al laminate sheets', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 660, pp. 195 - 204,
, 2016, 'Oxygen Vacancy Dependence of Magnetic Behavior in the LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 Heterostructures', Advanced Materials Interfaces, 3,
, 2016, '3.46 Ga Apex chert ‘microfossils’ reinterpreted as mineral artefacts produced during phyllosilicate exfoliation', Gondwana Research, 36, pp. 296 - 313,
, 2016, 'A new occurrence of ambient inclusion trails from the~ 1900‐million‐year‐old Gunflint Formation, Ontario: nanocharacterization and testing of potential formation mechanisms', Geobiology, 14, pp. 440 - 456,
, 2016, 'Investigation of Interfacial Reaction Products and Stress Distribution in Selective Laser Melted Al12Si/SiC Composite Using Confocal Raman Microscopy', Advanced Engineering Materials, 18, pp. 1337 - 1341,
, 2016, 'Chemical nature of alkaline polyphosphate boundary film at heated rubbing surfaces', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 26008,
, 2016, 'Corrosion behaviour and adhesion properties of sputtered tantalum coating on Ti6Al4V substrate', Surface and Coatings Technology, 307, pp. 666 - 675,
, 2016, 'Enhanced mechanical properties of ARB-processed aluminum alloy 6061 sheets by subsequent asymmetric cryorolling and ageing', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 674, pp. 256 - 261,
, 2016, 'Superstrength of nanograined steel with nanoscale intermetallic precipitates transformed from shock-compressed martensitic steel', Scientific Reports, 6,
, 2016, 'Microstructure and mechanical properties of a bulk ultrafine grained Al-7Si-0.3Mg alloy produced by thermomechanical consolidation of a nanocrystalline powder', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 658, pp. 192 - 202,
, 2016, 'Effects of holding time during pre-sintering and post-forging annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti parts fabricated by powder compact forging', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 655, pp. 113 - 121,
, 2016, 'Simultaneous Grain Growth and Grain Refinement in Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Copper under Tensile Deformation at Room Temperature', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 47, pp. 3785 - 3789,
, 2016, 'Microstructure evolution of accumulative roll bonding processed pure aluminum during cryorolling', Journal of Materials Research, 31, pp. 797 - 805,
, 2016, 'Solving the Controversy of Earth’s Oldest Fossils Using Electron Microscopy', Microscopy Today, 24, pp. 12 - 17,
, 2015, 'Uncovering framboidal pyrite biogenicity using nano-scale CNorg mapping', Geology, 43, pp. 27 - 30,
, 2015, 'A combined experimental-numerical approach for determining mechanical properties of aluminum subjects to nanoindentation', Scientific Reports, 5,
, 2015, 'The Influence of Alkali Metal Polyphosphate on the Tribological Properties of Heavily Loaded Steel on Steel Contacts at Elevated Temperatures', Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2,
, 2015, 'Grain and nanoparticle coarsening of an ultrafine structured Cu-5 vol.%Al2 O3 nanocomposite during isochronal annealing', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 642, pp. 83 - 91,
, 2015, 'A new insight into ductile fracture of ultrafine-grained Al-Mg alloys', Scientific Reports, 5,
, 2015, 'Nanomechanical properties of TiCN and TiCN/Ti coatings on Ti prepared by Filtered Arc Deposition', Materials Science and Engineering: A, 625, pp. 56 - 64,
, 2015, 'Rapid thermal annealed Molybdenum back contact for Cu2 ZnSnS4 thin film solar cells', Applied Physics Letters, 106,
, 2015, 'Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Structured Al-4wt%Cu-(2.5-10) vol.%SiC Nanocomposites Produced by Powder Consolidation Using Powder Compact Extrusion', Journal of Research in Nanotechnology, pp. 1 - 15,
, 2015, 'A novel Ti-6Al-4V alloy microstructure with very high strength and good ductility', Scripta Materialia, 107, pp. 10 - 13,
, 2015, 'Microbial pathways and palaeoenvironmental conditions involved in the formation of phosphorite grains, Safaga District, Egypt', Sedimentary Geology, 325, pp. 41 - 58,
, 2015, 'Tribofilms generated from bulk polyphosphate glasses at elevated temperatures', Wear, 330-331, pp. 230 - 238,
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, Other
2021, A Self‐Supported High‐Entropy Metallic Glass with a Nanosponge Architecture for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution under Alkaline and Acidic Conditions (Adv. Funct. Mater. 38/2021), Wiley, ,
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