
The following user fees have been set based on benchmarking against similar instruments at other research facilities in Australia:

Analysers - $40/hour

Instruments include BD LSRFortessa SORP, BD LSRFortessa-X20, BD FACS Canto II, Cytek® Aurora, Invitrogen Attune NxT, Malvern DLS Zetasizer Ultra and the NanoSight NS300

Analysers DLS and NTA - $30/hour

Specialised equipment like ALS CellCelector and the Deformability Cytometer AcCellerator had variable charge depending on the project. Contact the facility for pricing.

Cell Sorters - $100/hour Operator Assisted and $60 Unassisted - minimum one hour booking 

Instruments include Cytek® Aurora-CS, BD FACSMelody and BD FACSAria III

Commercial use of Analysers is charged at $80/hour and Cell Sorting is charged at $200/hour 

All billing is done monthly and sent to the program account listed under the project of the user when registering via the BRIL Flow Cytometry home page. The BRIL Flow Cytometry Facility provides the following free of charge; training, support for up to 3 sessions and consumables including 40µm mesh filter 5ml polypropylene tubes


NB: BRIL access rates will increase at 4% p.a. from 2022