OHS Induction and Registration
All staff and students must complete the NMR OHS Induction program (see the 4 Steps below) before commencing work of any type in the NMR Facility.
All staff and students must complete the NMR OHS Induction program (see the 4 Steps below) before commencing work of any type in the NMR Facility.
a) Fill in the NMR Facility Registration Form and email to nmr@unsw.edu.au
b) Register your details with the NMR Facility, please visit the AC Lab System (as shown below) and select Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility.
And Select Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility (see below);
NMR Users:
Attend an NMR OH&S Lab Induction and complete the NMR Induction Quiz.
EPR Users:
Attend an EPR OH&S Lab Induction and complete the EPR Induction Quiz.
Solid State NMR Users:
Attend an Solid State NMR OH&S Lab Induction and complete the Solid State NMR Induction Quiz.
New and current users must read also become familiar with the NMR Facility OHS Risk Assessment and Control Form. PLEASE DO NOT PRINT OUT THIS FORM, UNLESS IT IS FOR YOUR PERSONAL RECORD. More information regarding OHS can be found on the OHS page of the Analytical Centre Website.
A monthly registration fee of $18.15 will be automatically charged to your supervisor when you use the NMR Facility's instruments.
Authorised by the Executive Director of Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre, UNSW CRICOS Provider Code 00098G, ABN 57 195 873 179
Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre, UNSW, Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia | Email: analytical@unsw.edu.au