The SBF has two Formulatrix NT8 liquid handlers for protein crystallsation. One is set up at room temperature and one is set-up at 4˚C.
The NT8 units are fast nano-litre volume liquid handlers specifically made for protein crystallsation tray preparation. The units are small and easy to use, with built-in humidity control and they use reusable disposable plastic tips for dispensing- ensuring your crystal trays are prepared under the best possible conditions.
The robot has 8 dispensing tips that can aspirate and dispense drops in the range of 10 nL to 1.5 uL.
Currently these robots are set up to aliquot protein and reagents into both the Swiss Sci MRC 2 well plate, and the new MiTeGen In Situ-1 crystallisation plate.
This instrument was acquired (in part) with the support of Australian Research Council Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities Grant: ARC LIEF 190100165.