News and Events relevant to SBF users:
15.08.2021 New paper with SBF structure published in Viruses!
Congratulations to Professor Rice and his team.
26.03.2021 Nature Communications publishes SBF user's work!
Congratulations to Professor Curmi's team on their brand new paper in Nature Communications!
Scaffolding proteins guide the evolution of algal light harvesting antennas.
Rathbone, H.W., Michie, K.A., Landsberg, M.J. et al.
2.03.2021 In situ plate screening with the D8 Venture is active and paying off!
Today we screened a tray of crystals that have so far given us depressing results at the synchrotron. We loaded the plate onto the X-ray set and set up an hour or so of queued crystals to screen. Low and behold some of those crystals really diffract well suggesting problems with our cryo-preservation and/or crystal handling. Now we know which crystals we need to push. This saves hours of hard work.
1.02.2021 The SBF is in print!
First paper acknowledging the Facility is out and in print! See work from Dr David Jacques and Dr Till Böcking.
24.06.2020 3D printing in the SBF
Today we got the 3D printer up and running. The SBF is able to print your favourite protein structure. Today we printed a recent structure done in collaboration with academics at UTS. This protein is a homodimer that binds DNA.
10.06.2020 Virtual SBF
The SBF is now virtually accessible! Click here to see the SBF on a virtual tour.
18.05.2020 Lorne Protein 2021 is going ahead
With all the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, the Lorne Protein Organising Committee have confirmed that the 46th Lorne Conference on Protein Function and Structure is going ahead although the format has yet to be confirmed. So, save the dates : 7-11 th Feb 2021.
For regular updates see the Lorne Protein web page.
21.10.2019 - New Bruker D8 Venture is ready to roll!
Today we obtained 1.1Å data from our first lysozyme crystal on the new Bruker D8 Venture!
Wow, what a great result for a home set!!! Furthermore, the exposure time was really short and the whole dataset was collected at lunch time.
30.09.2019 -Arrival of the new Bruker D8 Venture
UNSW took delivery of a new state-of-the-art Bruker Venture D8 X-ray diffractometer with an electron counting 'Photon 3 detector' for the new Structural Biology Facility!