The BD FACSAria™ III cell sorter is equipped with 5 excitation lasers (blue 488nm, red 642nm and violet 405nm + Yellow Green 561nm and True Blue 442nm) and can detect up to 17 parameters (15 fluorescence channels plus forward scatter and side scatter).
This high-end cell sorter offers 4 nozzle sizes (70um, 85um, 100um and 130um) and is available for user DIY sorting at a reduced rate of $60 per hour (extra training is required). It is housed in a class II C.A.S™ biosafety cabinet (PC2).
It can simultaneously sort 1-4 populations into a variety of tube sizes, as well as single/multiple cell deposition onto a variety of plate/slide types. This instrument is equipped with an optional true-blue 445nm laser (co-linear with the blue 488nm laser), which is optimal for environmental applications.
This cell sorter runs FACS Diva™ 7 software, generating FCS3.0 files.